
Weapons which are usable ingame against players.


Multi-barrel heavy machine gun with a high rate of fire, this weapon is very rare.

Acid Sprayer

Sprays acid which stays in the air for a couple seconds, damaging the player if they are in it.

Flame Thrower

Projects a stream of fire. If the player is caught in it, they will burn for a couple of seconds.

Rainbow Blaster

A high power blaster which shoots rainbows which continuously damage the enemy.

Freeze Ray

Damages and slows down the enemy for a few seconds, as well as damaging them.

Laser Gun

A laser gun generates a deadly beam which shoots single rounds.

Homing Launcher

Long range weapon which locks onto enemies and targets.

Rocket Launcher

A weapon which launches rockets which often knock out the enemy.

Sniper Rifle

Usually this weapon kills your opponent on the first shot, only sometimes.

Assault Rifle

An automatic rifle which launches bullets at players!


A high powered close range weapon which can knock out a player, if you're close enough!


A handgun with slower shooting, but higher damage.


A basic handgun with fast shooting, but low damage.


A weapon used for shooting arrows at the opponent.


Slash, and dash your enemies with this handheld melee weapon.

You could get NFT skins on ANY weapon and play with it ingame! learn more

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