$VPR Details

$VPR is the games main token, it is used for wagers and rewards.

Supply: 500,000,000 VPR

Contract Address: 0x73F5a4808456f4927eE13cBE76b2B726136CE962

Liquidity Lock (2 YEARS IN DXLOCKER)

Tokens Lock

Poocoin Chart

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Total Supply: 500,000,000 VPR

- Liquidity: 391,510,000 VPR (Liquidity Locked)

- Play to Earn: 35,000,000 VPR (100% Locked with Vesting)

- Team: 68,500,000 VPR (57% Locked with Vesting)

- Reserves: 4,990,000 VPR

Fees: 2% Burned, 2% Redistributed, 3% Marketing

Each month, an amount of VPR from the marketing wallet will be swapped out to BNB to help with marketing and game development funding, and some of that will be added into the liquidity of the token to stabilise the price. All swaps will be publicly announced when they are done.

Last updated