You can get NFT items by buying it from our Marketplace or buying Loot Crates.
Types of NFT items:
NFT Skins are used on weapons! or sold on the marketplace.
Once you have an NFT Weapon Skin its yours, forever. Skins have different visual effects and attributes.
you can either unlock then in crates or buy them from the marketplace.
All Weapon skins are usable in-game and are sellable
Accessory NFTS can all be used in-game and viewed by other players aswell.
Types of Accessories:
and more are included.
you can either unlock then in crates or buy them from the marketplace.
After you own an NFT accessory, you can either use it ingame or sell it.
NFT Properties are able to be bought in the marketplace, or unlocked in loot crates...
In Properties you can:
Invite your Friends
Store Cars and Pets
Customize your house with different wallpapers and furniture
Generate daily VPR (soon)
Properties will generate daily VPR in the future and you can also invite your friends to check out your house. And not only that but they will naturally grow in value as the game grows!
When outside your house, players will be able to see that you own the house.
Players can also request to buy it from you and request to see inside.
NFT Characters are able to be bought in the marketplace, or unlocked in loot crates...
Characters are also pretty rare, they will usually have different animations and visual things.
All Characters will be NFTS, only you will own a certain kind of character.
NFT Rarities:
Common items are your regular items, they have higher drop rates than rarer items and cost less.
Uncommon items are a little harder to get, but are still generally easy to obtain.
Rare items are hard to get, once you have one of these they will sell on the market for quite a lot.
Epic items are buyable in the marketplace, but still very hard to get and rare.
Legendary items sell for a LOT on the market, there's only a few which are made.
Mythical items are the rarest. Very few are made and most come from pre-order crates.